coastal open cities中文什么意思

发音:   用"coastal open cities"造句
  • coastal:    adj. 沿海的,临海的;沿岸的。 ...
  • open:    adj. 1.开着的,开放的;可进入 ...
  • city:    n. 1.城市;市〔英国指设有大教堂 ...
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  1. However , higher educational institutes of qingdao cannot match it as a coastal opening city
  2. Ningbo zhenhai zonglan trade co . , ltd . in the coastal open cities in the urban areas of ningbo , near sham harbor beilun , ningbo airport
  3. Wenzhou lucheng liming zhenyu machinery factory is located in wenzhou that is one of the earliest fourteen coastal open cities on the bank of east sea of china
    温州市鹿城区黎明震宇机械厂位于全国最早开放沿海十四城市之一,东海之滨- - - - - -温州。
  4. Municipalities directly under the central government , provincial capitals , coastal open cities and key tourist cities shall be designated as key cities for the control of air pollution
  5. Liangyungang is a coastal opening city in china . it has mountailn , water bodies and sea . the special geographic location makes it possible to develop diversifide economy . it is suitable to grow many kinds of crops


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